Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday Monday

Hi! Yes I know it's Tuesday. I have to say sometimes Mondays can be no fun. I don't think I got as much done at the real job as I would have liked to. But there's always today to look forward to.
Coach was not real talkative after his two days on the field. Of course it was in the low 100's both days. He said that there were a few coaches who were not prepared (sunscreen). So you can guess how red they were when they got home. He loves being on that field. There's nothing like watching your husband talk about all the moves that go on, on that field. I hear all the terms and get to see some of those moves demonstrated in our family room. It's quite a sight.
So the other news I got yesterday, was that surgery will be in less than a month. So that is a good thing. I just know what I'll be going through, and I'm not looking forward to that. Now I'm in get things done mode. And coach will be "stop doing that". I'll just get a few things done, cause at some point I won't care what my house looks like. Sleep is the only thing I'll want and of course no pain. And I hate the stuff they give you for that. I'm thinking I need to do a few fun things to. I'm hooked on that book I Brake For Yard Sales ( by Lara Spencer). My daughter said we need to go to a few and some thrift shops and see what we can find. I have to get a guestroom setup. And I'm hoping to do the yard sale thing in it. Coach wants to change the dressers in our room and put the old ones in the guestroom. So that will be one thing off the list. I can't wait to get started.
As much as I would like to keep talking here. I have to get ready for work. Get my lunch ready, snacks you know. We're eating  much better as of late and I don't want to hit that vending machine at work. It's amazing  how when you write down everything you eat it makes you think before you open your mouth to that fork. And it's fun to see the results.
Talk to you soon.

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